up [pdf]
# Author: G. Hennenfent
#         Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling
#         Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences
#         The University of British Columbia
# Date  : December, 07

from   rsfproj import *
    import numpy   as     np
    raise Exception('Cannot find numpy')
import os

matlab         = WhereIs('matlab')
if not matlab:
    raise Exception('Cannot find Matlab')

matROOT = '../matfcts'

# define customized plotting function
def mygrey(title,label1="Time",label2="Offset",unit1="s",unit2="m"):
    return '''
    sfgrey title="%s" minval=-.5 maxval=.5 clip=.2 crowd1=.5 crowd2=.75
    label1="%s" unit1="%s" label2="%s" unit2="%s" parallel2=n

# define plot parameters
min1 = 0
max1 = 4e3
min2 = -1
max2 = 110

# define number of iterations
maxiters = 100

# define SLIM FTP server information
FTPserver = {
    'server': 'slim.eos.ubc.ca',

loc = '/users/hegilles/papers/spsolvers/geop/'
fname = 'paretocurve.mat'

# fetch figures from FTP server

matfun = 'BuildPareto'
Flow('pxnorms prnorms pbxnorms pbrnorms pixnorms pirnorms',['./'+fname,os.path.join(matROOT,matfun+'.m')],
     matlab + '''
     -nosplash -nojvm -r "addpath %(matROOT)s;%(matfun)s('$SOURCE','$TARGET','${TARGETS[1]}','${TARGETS[2]}','${TARGETS[3]}','${TARGETS[4]}','${TARGETS[5]}');quit"
Flow('ppath','pxnorms prnorms','sfcmplx ${SOURCES[:-1]}',stdin=0)
Flow('pbpath','pbxnorms pbrnorms','sfcmplx ${SOURCES[:-1]}',stdin=0)
Flow('pipath','pixnorms pirnorms','sfcmplx ${SOURCES[:-1]}',stdin=0)

# plot result
     sfgraph label1="\F15 7\F-1 x\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 1" label2="\F15 7\F-1 y-Ax\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 2" title=""
     min1=%(min1)g max1=%(max1)g min2=%(min2)g max2=%(max2)g
     symbol=+ symbolsz=6 parallel2=n
     '''%vars() )
     sfgraph label1="\F15 7\F-1 x\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 1" label2="\F15 7\F-1 y-Ax\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 2" title=""
     min1=%(min1)g max1=%(max1)g min2=%(min2)g max2=%(max2)g
     symbol=0 symbolsz=10 plotcol=2 parallel2=n
     '''%vars() )
     sfgraph label1="\F15 7\F-1 x\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 1" label2="\F15 7\F-1 y-Ax\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 2" title=""
     min1=%(min1)g max1=%(max1)g min2=%(min2)g max2=%(max2)g parallel2=n
     '''%vars() )

# CRSI with SPGL1
matfun = 'TrackCRSIwSPGL1'

Flow('data interp model xnorms rnorms',[os.path.join(matROOT,matfun+'.m')],
     matlab + '''
     -nosplash -nojvm -r "addpath %(matROOT)s;%(matfun)s('$TARGET','${TARGETS[1]}','${TARGETS[2]}','${TARGETS[3]}','${TARGETS[4]}',%(maxiters)g);quit"
Flow('opath','xnorms rnorms','sfcmplx ${SOURCES[:-1]}',stdin=0)

# plot result
     sfgraph label1="\F15 7\F-1 x\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 1" label2="\F15 7\F-1 y-Ax\F15 7\F-1 \_\s75 2" title=""
     min1=%(min1)g max1=%(max1)g min2=%(min2)g max2=%(max2)g
     plotcol=3 dash=5 parallel2=n
     '''%vars() )
Result('res','ppath pbpath pipath opath','Overlay')

Result('data','sfput d1=.004 |'+mygrey("",label1="Time",label2="Trace #",unit1="s",unit2=""))
Result('interp','sfput d1=.004 |'+mygrey("",label1="Time",label2="Trace #",unit1="s",unit2=""))


# RUN TIME (iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
## time scons
## scons: done building targets.
## real    2m23.229s
## user    1m47.608s
## sys     0m34.237s