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Implementation aspects

The Sampling of the $ \tau $ axis should be small enough to avoid wavefield aliasing in the $ \tau $ domain, for example

$\displaystyle \Delta \tau \leq \frac{1}{10} \frac{v_{min}}{f_{max}} ,$ (25)

where $ v_{\min}$ is the minimum velocity in the model and $ f_{max}$ is the maximum frequency of the wave. Accordingly, the number of samples representing the $ \tau $ axis should be chosen to cover the largest expected $ \tau $ value,

$\displaystyle n_\tau \Delta \tau \geq \max_{x,y} \int_0^z \frac{\mathrm{d} z^\prime}{v_m(x,y,z^\prime)} .$ (26)

The mapping velocity $ v_m$ is often chosen as a slightly smoothed version of true velocity $ v$ . This is because the $ \tau $ domain wave equation involves a differentiation of $ v_m$ , for example the first equation in 15.

For second-order wave equations, the operators on the right-hand side can become significantly complicated in the $ \tau $ domain, such as Equation 23. Thus, it is more convenient to code up its first-order form 21. For consistency, we will extrapolate the wavefields using the first-order form for all the examples in this paper. Thus, the time derivatives in these equations are approximated by central differences,

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} \approx \frac{p^{n+1} - p^{n-1}}{2\Delta t},$ (27)

and the spatial derivatives are approximated using the Fourier pseudospectral approuch (Carcione et al., 2002; Gazdag, 1981), as follows

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial p}{\partial x_1} \approx F_1^{-1}\lbrace\mathrm{i} k_1 F_1\lbrace p \rbrace\rbrace,$ (28)

where superscript $ n$ indicate time steps, $ F_i$ is the spatial Fourier transform in the $ x_i$ direction. The change of the vertical axis from $ z$ to $ \tau $ does not affect the stability condition. For both isotropic and VTI extrapolations, the same time-step is used in both the Cartesian and $ \tau $ domains.

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