sffatomoomp (4.0)
First-arrival Traveltime Tomography (OMP)

        sffatomoomp < sinp.rsf > sout.rsf shot=shot.rsf recv=recv.rsf reco=reco.rsf topo=topo.rsf prec=prec.rsf grad=grad.rsf rayd=rayd.rsf time=time.rsf misnorm=norm.rsf velocity=y shape=n verb=n order=2 seg=3 niter=1 stiter=100 nstep=10 eps=0. weight=n pow=2. tol=1.e-6 rect#=(1,1,...) what=

float eps=0.
regularization parameter (for both Ticknov and Shaping)
string grad=
auxiliary output file name
string misnorm=
auxiliary output file name
int niter=1
number of slowness inversion iterations
int nstep=10
number of linesearch
int order=2
fast marching accuracy order
float pow=2.
power raised for data weighting
string prec=
auxiliary input file name
string rayd=
auxiliary output file name
string reco=
auxiliary input file name
int rect#=(1,1,...)
smoothing radius on #-th axis
string recv=
auxiliary input file name
int seg=3
maximum number of segments of topography
bool shape=n [y/n]
regularization (default Tikhnov)
string shot=
auxiliary input file name
int stiter=100
number of inner CG iterations (for both Ticknov and Shaping)
string time=
auxiliary output file name
float tol=1.e-6
tolerance for shaping regularization
string topo=
auxiliary input file name
bool velocity=y [y/n]
if y, the input is velocity; n, slowness squared
bool verb=n [y/n]
verbosity flag
bool weight=n [y/n]
data weighting
string what=
what to compute (default tomography)

Used In
