b'\n \n \n
sftah5dinterp (4.0)
\n Trace And Header GET Header Word prints trace headers.\n

\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Synopsis
       sftah5dinterp < in.rsf > out.rsf key= verbose=1

\ntah is the abbreviation of Trace And Header. Madagascar programs
\nthat begin with sftah are a designed to:
\n1- read trace and headers from separate rsf files and write them to
\nstandard output (ie sftahread)
\n2- filter programs that read and write standard input/output and
\nprocess the tah data (eg sftahnmo, sftahstack)
\n3- read tah data from standard input and write separate rsf files for
\nthe trace and headers data (ie sftahwrite)
\nThese programs allow Seismic Unix (su) like processing in Madagascar.
\nSome programs have su like names.
\nSome programs in this suite are sftahread, sftahgethw, ftahhdrmath,
\nand sftahwrite.
\nThe sftahgethw program prints headers. List the headers you want to
\nprint in the key parameter.
\nsftahread \\
\nverbose=1 \\
\ninput=npr3_gathers.rsf \\
\n| sftahgethw \\
\nverbose=0 \\
\nkey=sx,sy,gx,gy,offset \\
\nThe headers are in the file npr3_gathers_hdr.rsf,
\nthe headers parameter default. The headers are merged with the trace
\namplitudes and the tah data sent down the pipe for sftahgethw. The
\nsource and group coordinates and offset (sx,sy,gx,gy,offset) are
\nprinted to STDERR. Traces are sent to STDOUT, which is directed to
\n/dev/null (the bit bucket).
\nstrings key= no default
\nlist of header keys print. Look at the sfsegyread for a list
\n\tof header names.

\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Parameters
       \n \n \n
strings key=
\t [numkeys]
\n \n\n \n \n
int verbose=1
\n flag to control amount of print
\n 0 terse, 1 informative, 2 chatty, 3 debug
\n \n