b'\n \n \n
sfxcorr (4.0)
\n Cross-correlation function \n

\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Synopsis
       sfxcorr < in.rsf match=match.rsf > out.rsf lagfile=lagfile.rsf l=n1y-1
C=XCORR(X,Y,L), computes the (auto/cross) correlation over the range of lags:
\n-L to L, i.e., 2*L+1 lags. If L is left out, default is L=n1-1,
\nwhere n1 is the length of Y.

\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Parameters
       \n \n \n
int l=n1y-1
\tmaxlag of auto/cross correlation function
\n \n\n \n \n
string lagfile=
\tauxiliary output file name
\n \n\n \n \n
file match=
\tauxiliary input file name
\n \n