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Automatic gain control.
sfagc < in.rsf > out.rsf repeat=1 rect#=(125,1,1,...)

October 2011 program of the month:
int rect#=(125,1,1,...) smoothing radius on #-th axis
int repeat=1 repeat filtering several times


Aliasing test.
sfaliasp > out.rsf n1=600 n2=24 cycles=10. ix0=0 slow=0.1
float cycles=10. wave frequency
int ix0=0 central trace
int n1=600
int n2=24 dimensions
float slow=0.1 slowness


Bandpass filtering.
sfbandpass < in.rsf > out.rsf flo= fhi= phase=n verb=n nplo=6 nphi=6

November 2012 program of the month:
float fhi= High frequency in band, default is Nyquist
float flo= Low frequency in band, default is 0
int nphi=6 number of poles for high cutoff
int nplo=6 number of poles for low cutoff
bool phase=n [y/n] y: minimum phase, n: zero phase
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Data binning in 2-D slices.
sfbin < in.rsf > out.rsf fold=fold.rsf xkey=0 ykey=1 xmax= xmin= ymax= ymin= x0=xmin y0=ymin nx=(int) (xmax - xmin + 1.) ny=(int) (ymax - ymin + 1.) dx= dy= interp=1 norm=y clip=FLT_EPSILON head=
float clip=FLT_EPSILON clip for fold normalization
float dx= bin size in x
float dy= bin size in y
string fold= output file for fold (optional) (auxiliary output file name)
string head= header file
int interp=1 [0,1,2] interpolation method;
0: median, 1: nearest neighbor, 2: bi-linear,
bool norm=y [y/n] if normalize
int nx=(int) (xmax - xmin + 1.) Number of bins in x
int ny=(int) (ymax - ymin + 1.) Number of bins in y
float x0=xmin x origin
int xkey=0 x key number
float xmax= x maximum
float xmin= x minimum
float y0=ymin y origin
int ykey=1 y key number
float ymax= y maximum
float ymin= y minimum


Data binning in 1-D slices.
sfbin1 < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf fold=fold.rsf xmin= xmax= nx= x0=xmin dx= interp=1 clip=FLT_EPSILON head=
float clip=FLT_EPSILON clip for fold normalization
float dx= grid spacing
string fold= output fold file (optional) (auxiliary output file name)
string head=
int interp=1 [1,2] interpolation method, 1: nearest neighbor, 2: linear
int nx= Number of bins
string pattern= auxiliary input file name
float x0=xmin grid origin
float xmax=
float xmin= grid dimensions


Multi-dimensional smoothing with boxes.
sfboxsmooth < in.rsf > out.rsf repeat=1 rect#=(1,1,...)
int rect#=(1,1,...) smoothing radius on #-th axis
int repeat=1 repeat filtering several times


Canny-like edge detector.
sfcanny < in.rsf > out.rsf min=5.0 max=95.0
float max=95.0 maximum threshold
float min=5.0 minimum threshold


Causal integration on the first axis.
sfcausint < in.rsf > out.rsf adj=n
bool adj=n [y/n] if y, do adjoint integration


Clip the data.
sfclip < in.rsf > out.rsf clip=

The output is
clip if input > clip
-clip if input < -clip
input if |input| < clip

See also sfclip2.

September 2011 program of the month:
float clip= clip value


Simple matrix multiplication for complex matrices
sfcmatmult < in.rsf > out.rsf mat=mat.rsf adj=n
bool adj=n [y/n]
file mat= auxiliary input file name


Multiplication of two complex matrices
sfcmatmult2 < in.rsf > out.rsf mat=mat.rsf
file mat= auxiliary input file name


Multi-dimensional cosine transform.
sfcosft < in.rsf > out.rsf sign#=0

The input and output are real and have the same dimensions.
Pad the data if you need to suppress wrap-around effects.
int sign#=0 transform along #-th dimension
[+1 forward or -1 backward]


Cosine taper around the borders (N-D).
sfcostaper < in.rsf > out.rsf nw#=0
int nw#=0 tapering on #-th axis


First derivative with a maximally linear FIR differentiator.
sfderiv < in.rsf > out.rsf order=6 scale=n

May 2012 program of the month:
int order=6 filter order
bool scale=n [y/n] if scale by 1/dx


Filter data based on dip in 2-D or 3-D.
sfdipfilter < in.rsf > out.rsf dim=2 angle=n v=-1. ang1=-50. ang2=-45. ang3=45. ang4=50. v1=0. v2=0.1 v3=99999. v4=999999. pass=y
float ang1=-50.
float ang2=-45.
float ang3=45.
float ang4=50. Angle gate (in degrees)
bool angle=n [y/n] Filter based on angle (or velocity)
int dim=2 [2,3] Dimensionality: filter 2-D planes or 3-D cubes
bool pass=y [y/n] Pass or reject band
float v=-1. constant velocity (if angle-y)
The default is d(frequency)/d(wavenumber)
float v1=0.
float v2=0.1
float v3=99999.
float v4=999999. Velocity gate


1-D digital wavelet transform
sfdwt < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n adj=n unit=n type=
bool adj=n [y/n] if y, do adjoint transform
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
string type= [haar,linear,biorthogonal] wavelet type, the default is linear
bool unit=n [y/n] if y, use unitary scaling


ENO interpolation in 2-D slices.
sfenoint2 < in.rsf > out.rsf head=head.rsf xkey= ykey= interp=2
file head= auxiliary input file name
int interp=2 interpolation order
int xkey= x key number
int ykey= y key number


Image enhancement by histogram equalization.
sfequal < in.rsf > out.rsf


Forward interpolation in 2-D slices.
sfextract < in.rsf > out.rsf head=head.rsf xkey=0 ykey=1 interp=2
file head= auxiliary input file name
int interp=2 [1,2] interpolation method, 1: nearest neighbor, 2: bi-linear
int xkey=0 x key number
int ykey=1 y key number


Generate fractal fern.
sffern > out.rsf n=1000 seed=time(NULL) angle=y
bool angle=y [y/n] if y, use more angular fern
int n=1000 number of points
int seed=time(NULL) random seed


Fast Fourier Transform along the first axis.
sffft1 < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n sym=n opt=y
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, perform inverse transform
bool opt=y [y/n] if y, determine optimal size for efficiency
bool sym=n [y/n] if y, apply symmetric scaling to make the FFT operator Hermitian


FFT transform on extra axis.
sffft3 < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n sym=n sign=inv? 1: 0 opt=y axis=2 pad=2

Input and output are complex data. The input is padded by factor pad.

July 2012 program of the month:
int axis=2 Axis to transform
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, perform inverse transform
bool opt=y [y/n] if y, determine optimal size for efficiency
int pad=2 padding factor
int sign=inv? 1: 0 transform sign (0 or 1)
bool sym=n [y/n] if y, apply symmetric scaling to make the FFT operator Hermitian


2-D smooth gradient.
sfgrad2 < in.rsf > out.rsf


3-D smooth gradient.
sfgrad3 < in.rsf > out.rsf


Finite-difference solution of 2-D heat-flow equation
sfheat > out.rsf impl=n alpha=1.
float alpha=1.
bool impl=n [y/n] if y, use implicit scheme


Compute a histogram of integer- or float-valued input data.
sfhistogram < in.rsf > out.rsf n1= o1= d1=

The output grid is not centered on the bins; it marks their "left edge".
I.e., the first sample holds the number of values between o1 and o1+d1.
float d1= histogram sampling
int n1= number of histogram samples
float o1= histogram origin


Gradient on the first axis.
sfigrad < in.rsf > out.rsf square=n adj=n
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
bool square=n [y/n] if y, use gradient squared


1-D anisotropic diffusion.
sfimpl1 < in.rsf > out.rsf rect1= tau=0.1 pclip=50. up=n
float pclip=50. percentage clip for the gradient
float rect1= smoothing radius
float tau=0.1 smoothing time
bool up=n [y/n] smoothing style


2-D anisotropic diffusion.
sfimpl2 < in.rsf > out.rsf rect1= rect2= tau=0.1 pclip=50. up=n verb=n nsnap=1 lin=n adj=n dist= snap=
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
string dist= inverse distance file (input)
bool lin=n [y/n] if linear operator
int nsnap=1 number of snapshots
float pclip=50. percentage clip for the gradient
float rect1= vertical smoothing
float rect2= horizontal smoothing
string snap= snapshot file (output)
float tau=0.1 smoothing time
bool up=n [y/n] smoothing style
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


3-D anisotropic diffusion.
sfimpl3 < in.rsf > out.rsf rect1= rect2= rect3= tau=0.1 pclip=50. up=n verb=n nsnap=1 dist= snap=
string dist= inverse distance file (input)
int nsnap=1 number of snapshots
float pclip=50. percentage clip for the gradient
float rect1=
float rect2=
float rect3= smoothing radius
string snap= snapshot file (output)
float tau=0.1 smoothing time
bool up=n [y/n] smoothing style
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Output interpolation filter.
sfintshow > filt.rsf nw= x= kai=4.0 interp=

See also: inttest1.
string interp= interpolation (lagrange,cubic,kaiser,lanczos,cosine,welch,spline,mom)
float kai=4.0 Kaiser window parameter
int nw= interpolator size
float x= interpolation shift


Interpolation from a regular grid in 1-D.
sfinttest1 < in.rsf > out.rsf coord=crd.rsf nw= kai=4.0 interp=
file coord= auxiliary input file name
string interp= interpolation (lagrange,cubic,kaiser,lanczos,cosine,welch,spline,mom)
float kai=4.0 Kaiser window parameter
int nw= interpolator size


Interpolation from a regular grid in 2-D.
sfinttest2 < in.rsf > out.rsf coord=crd.rsf nw= kai=4.0 interp=
file coord= auxiliary input file name
string interp= interpolation (lagrange,cubic,kaiser,lanczos,cosine,welch,spline)
float kai=4.0 Kaiser window parameter
int nw= interpolator size


Find eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix by Jacobi's iteration.
sfjacobi < mat.rsf > val.rsf eig=eig.rsf niter=10
string eig= auxiliary output file name
int niter=10


Find eigenvalues of a general complex matrix by Jacobi-like iteration.
sfjacobi2 < mat.rsf > val.rsf niter=10
int niter=10


Missing data interpolation in 2-D by Laplacian regularization.
sflapfill < in.rsf > out.rsf mask=mask.rsf niter=200 grad=n
bool grad=n [y/n] if y, use gradient instead of laplacian
string mask= optional mask file with zeroes for missing data locations (auxiliary input file name)
int niter=200 number of iterations


2-D finite-difference Laplacian operation.
sflaplac < in.rsf > out.rsf adj=n
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag


1-D linear interpolation.
sflinear < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf sort=n niter=0 rect=1 nw=2

Specify either n1= o1= d1= or pattern=
int niter=0 number of iterations
int nw=2 interpolator size
string pattern= auxiliary input file name
int rect=1 smoothing regularization
bool sort=n [y/n] if y, the coordinates need sorting


Fit a line to a set of points in 2-D.
sflinefit < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf
string pattern= auxiliary input file name


Generate Lorenz attractor.
sflorenz > out.rsf niter=1000 n=niter rho=28.00 sigma=10.00 beta=8.00/3.00 x0=3.051522 y0=1.582542 z0=15.62388 dt=0.0001
double beta=8.00/3.00 Beta reference
double dt=0.0001 time step
int n=niter set maximum
int niter=1000 number of iterations
double rho=28.00 Rayleigh number
double sigma=10.00 Prandtl number
double x0=3.051522 intial x coordinate
double y0=1.582542 intial y coordinate
double z0=15.62388 intial z coordinate


Pad and interleave traces.
sflpad < in.rsf > out.rsf mask=mask.rsf jump=2

Each initial trace is followed by I<jump> zero traces, the same for planes.
int jump=2 aliasing
file mask= auxiliary output file name


Generate Mandelbrot set.
sfmandelbrot > out.rsf n1=512 n2=512 x0=-2. y0=-1. xmax=0.5 ymax=1. niter=1000 dx=(xmax-x0)/(n1-1) dy=(ymax-y0)/(n2-1)
float dx=(xmax-x0)/(n1-1)
float dy=(ymax-y0)/(n2-1)
int n1=512
int n2=512 dimensions
int niter=1000 number of iterations
float x0=-2.
float xmax=0.5
float y0=-1. set origin
float ymax=1. set maximum


Simple matrix multiplication
sfmatmult < in.rsf > out.rsf mat=mat.rsf adj=n
bool adj=n [y/n]
file mat= auxiliary input file name


Picking local maxima on the first axis.
sfmax1 < in.rsf > out.rsf min=o1 max=o1+(n1-1)*d1 np=n1

Outputs complex numbers (time,amplitude) sorted by amplitude.
float max=o1+(n1-1)*d1 maximum value of time
float min=o1 minimum value of time
int np=n1 maximum number of picks


2-D missing data interpolation.
sfmiss2 < in.rsf > out.rsf mask=mask.rsf niter=100 nliter=1 filt1=3. filt2=filt1 eps=0.0001 shape=n force=y
float eps=0.0001 regularization parameter
float filt1=3.
float filt2=filt1 smoothing radius
bool force=y [y/n] if y, keep known values
string mask= optional input mask file for known data (auxiliary input file name)
int niter=100 Number of iterations
int nliter=1 Number of reweighting iterations
bool shape=n [y/n] if y, estimate shaping


Mono-frequency wavelet estimation.
sfmonof < in.rsf > out.rsf ma=ma.rsf a0=1. niter=100 verb=n
float a0=1. starting sharpness
file ma= auxiliary output file name
int niter=100 number of iterations
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Gaussian wavelet estimation in 2-D.
sfmonof2 < in.rsf > out.rsf ma=ma.rsf a0=1. b0=0. c0=1. niter=100 nliter=1 verb=n
float a0=1. starting sharpness in xx
float b0=0. starting sharpness in xy
float c0=1. starting sharpness in yy
file ma= auxiliary output file name
int niter=100 number of iterations
int nliter=1 number of reweighting iterations
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


sfmutter < in.rsf > out.rsf offset=offset.rsf half=y nan=n tp=0.150 t0=0. v0=1.45 slope0=1./v0 slopep=slope0 x0=0. abs=y inner=n hyper=n

Data is smoothly weighted inside the mute zone.
The weight is zero for t < (x-x0) * slope0
The weight is one for t > tp + (x-x0) * slopep

The signs are reversed for inner=y.
bool abs=y [y/n] x-x0|
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
bool hyper=n [y/n] if y, do hyperbolic mute
bool inner=n [y/n] if y, do inner muter
bool nan=n [y/n] if y, put nans instead of zeros
string offset= auxiliary input file name
float slope0=1./v0 slope
float slopep=slope0 end slope
float t0=0. starting time
float tp=0.150 end time
float v0=1.45 velocity
float x0=0. starting space


Add random noise to the data.
sfnoise < in.rsf > out.rsf seed=time(NULL) type=y var= range= mean=0 rep=n

July 2011 program of the month:
float mean=0 noise mean
float range= noise range (default=1)
bool rep=n [y/n] if y, replace data with noise
int seed=time(NULL) random seed
bool type=y [y/n] noise distribution, y: normal, n: uniform
float var= noise variance


Compute a threshold value from histogram using Otsu's algorithm.
sfotsu < in.rsf


Mask a polygon.
sfpolymask < inp.rsf > out.rsf poly=poly.rsf
file poly= auxiliary input file name


Convert B-spline coefficients to data in 2-D.
sfpostfilter2 < in.rsf > out.rsf nw= vert=y horz=y
bool horz=y [y/n] include filter on the second axis
int nw= filter size
bool vert=y [y/n] include filter on the first axis


Apply power gain.
sfpow < in.rsf > out.rsf tpow=0. pow#=(0,0,...)
float pow#=(0,0,...) power on #-th axis
float tpow=0. power on the first axis


Decimate a regular grid to triplets for triangulation.
sfreg2tri < in.rsf > out.rsf edgeout=edge.rsf nt= zero=0.
string edgeout= auxiliary output file name
int nt= number of triplets
float zero=0. level surface


1-D ENO interpolation.
sfremap1 < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf n1=n1 d1=d1 o1=o1 order=3
float d1=d1 Output sampling
int n1=n1 Number of output samples
float o1=o1 Output origin
int order=3 Interpolation order
string pattern= auxiliary input file name


Find roots of a complex polynomial.
sfroots < poly.rsf > root.rsf niter=10 tol=1.0e-6 verb=y sort=
int niter=10 number of iterations
string sort= attribute for sorting
float tol=1.0e-6 tolerance for convergence
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag


Data binning in 2-D slices by inverse interpolation.
sfshapebin < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf pin=pin.rsf pout=pout.rsf xkey= ykey= nx= ny= xmin= xmax= ymin= ymax= x0=xmin y0=ymin dx= dy= interp=2 niter=nm nliter=1 eps=1./nd gauss=n shape=y verb=y filt1=3. filt2=filt1 head=
float dx= bin size in x
float dy= bin size in y
float eps=1./nd regularization parameter
float filt1=3.
float filt2=filt1 smoothing length for shaping
bool gauss=n [y/n] if y, use gaussian shaping (estimated from the data)
string head=
int interp=2 interpolation length
int niter=nm number of iterations
int nliter=1 number of reweighting iterations
int nx= Number of bins in x
int ny= Number of bins in y
string pattern= auxiliary input file name
string pin= auxiliary input file name
string pout= auxiliary output file name
bool shape=y [y/n] if y, use shaping regularization
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag
float x0=xmin
int xkey= x key number
float xmax=
float xmin=
float y0=ymin grid origin
int ykey= y key number
float ymax=
float ymin= Grid dimensions


1-D inverse interpolation with shaping regularization.
sfshapebin1 < in.rsf > out.rsf verb=y nx= xmin= xmax= x0=xmin dx= interp=2 filter=3. niter=nx eps=1./nd pef=n gauss=n pad=0 head=
float dx= grid sampling
float eps=1./nd regularization parameter
float filter=3. smoothing length
bool gauss=n [y/n] if y, use Gaussian shaping
string head=
int interp=2 [1,2] forward interpolation method, 1: nearest neighbor, 2: linear
int niter=nx number of conjugate-gradient iterations
int nx= number of bins
int pad=0 padding for Gaussian shaping
bool pef=n [y/n] if y, use monofrequency regularization
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag
float x0=xmin grid origin
float xmax=
float xmin= grid size


Sharpening operator
sfsharpen < in.rsf > out.rsf other=other.rsf perc=50.0
string other= auxiliary input file name
float perc=50.0 percentage for sharpening


Extract a slice using picked surface (usually from a stack or a semblance).
sfslice < in.rsf pick=pick.rsf > out.rsf

See also: sfpick.
file pick= auxiliary input file name


Multi-dimensional triangle smoothing.
sfsmooth < in.rsf > out.rsf repeat=1 adj=n rect#=(1,1,...) diff#=(n,n,...)

January 2012 program of the month:
bool adj=n [y/n] run in the adjoint mode
bool diff#=(n,n,...) [y/n] differentiation on #-th axis
int rect#=(1,1,...) smoothing radius on #-th axis
int repeat=1 repeat filtering several times


Smooth first derivative on the first axis.
sfsmoothder < in.rsf > der.rsf eps=0.2

Applies D/(I + eps*D'D)
float eps=0.2 smoothness parameter


Smoothing in 2-D by simple regularization.
sfsmoothreg2 < in.rsf > smooth.rsf eps=1. repeat=1
float eps=1. smoothness parameter
int repeat=1 repeat smoothing


Frequency spectra.
sfspectra < in.rsf > out.rsf all=n opt=y

March 2012 program of the month:
bool all=n [y/n] if y, compute average spectrum for all traces
bool opt=y [y/n] if y, determine optimal size for efficiency


Frequency spectra in 2-D.
sfspectra2 < in.rsf > out.rsf all=n
bool all=n [y/n] if y, compute average spectrum for all traces


1-D cubic spline interpolation.
sfspline < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf fp= sort=n

Specify either n1= o1= d1= or pattern=
floats fp= end-point derivatives [2]
string pattern= auxiliary input file name
bool sort=n [y/n] if y, the coordinates need sorting


Convert data to B-spline coefficients.
sfsplinefilter < in.rsf > out.rsf nw=
int nw= filter size


Denoising using stationary wavelet transform.
sfswtdenoise < in.rsf > out.rsf ratio=1. len_filter=2 n_layer=2
int len_filter=2 filter length
int n_layer=2 number of wavelet transform layers
float ratio=1. ratio for denoising


Soft thresholding.
sfthreshold < in.rsf > out.rsf pclip=
float pclip= percentage to clip


Convolution with a trapezoidal filter.
sftrapez < in.rsf > out.rsf frequency=
floats frequency= frequencies (in Hz), default: (0.1,0.15,0.45,0.5)*Nyquist [4]


Interpolate triangulated triplets to a regular grid.
sftri2reg < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf edgein=edge.rsf nodeout=out2.rsf edgeout=edge2.rsf n1= n2= d1=1. d2=1. o1=0. o2=0. zero=0. nr=0
float d1=1.
float d2=1.
string edgein= input edge file (auxiliary input file name)
string edgeout= auxiliary output file name
int n1=
int n2=
string nodeout= auxiliary output file name
int nr=0 number of refinements
float o1=0.
float o2=0.
string pattern= pattern file for output dimensions (auxiliary input file name)
float zero=0. level surface


Edit points for triangulation by removing similar and randomizing.
sftrirand < in.rsf > out.rsf


2-D irregular data interpolation using triangulation and shaping regularization.
sftrishape < in.rsf > out.rsf pattern=pattern.rsf n1= n2= d1=1. d2=1. o1=0. o2=0. zero=0. niter=0 rect1=1 rect2=1 nw=2
float d1=1.
float d2=1.
int n1=
int n2=
int niter=0 number of iterations
int nw=2 interpolator size
float o1=0.
float o2=0.
string pattern= pattern file for output dimensions (auxiliary input file name)
int rect1=1
int rect2=1 smoothing regularization
float zero=0. level surface


Generate 2-D layered velocity model from specified interfaces.
sfunif2 < surface.rsf > model.rsf x0= z0= v00= dvdx= dvdz= n1= d1= o1=0. label1= unit1=

In each layer, velocity is a linear function of position.

Inspired by SU's unif2.
float d1= Sampling of the depth axis
floats dvdx= [ninf]
floats dvdz= [ninf]
string label1= depth axis label
int n1= Number of samples on the depth axis
float o1=0. Origin of the depth axis
string unit1=
floats v00= [ninf]
floats x0= [ninf]
floats z0= [ninf]


Generate 3-D layered velocity model from specified interfaces.
sfunif3 < surface.rsf > model.rsf x0= y0= z0= v00= dvdx= dvdy= dvdz= n1= d1= o1=0. layers=

Unless layers= is specified, velocity is a linear function of position inside
each layer.

Inspired by SU's unif2.
float d1= Sampling of the depth axis
floats dvdx= [ninf]
floats dvdy= [ninf]
floats dvdz= [ninf]
string layers= file with layer properties
int n1= Number of samples on the depth axis
float o1=0. Origin of the depth axis
floats v00= [ninf]
floats x0= [ninf]
floats y0= [ninf]
floats z0= [ninf]