Next: Downward continuation with Fourier
Next consider a plane wave dipping at some angle
It is natural to imagine continuing such a wave back along a ray.
Instead, we will continue the wave straight down.
This requires the assumption that the plane wave is a perfect one,
namely that the same waveform is observed at all
Imagine two sensors in a vertical well bore.
They should record the same signal except for
a time shift that depends on the angle of the wave.
Notice that the arrival time difference between sensors
at two different depths is greatest for vertically propagating waves,
and the time difference drops to zero for horizontally propagating waves.
So the time shift
is the angle between the wavefront and the earth's surface
(or the angle between the well bore and the ray).
Thus an equation to downward continue the wave is
Equation (7.6)
is a downward continuation formula for any angle
Following methods of chapter
we can generalize
the method to media where the velocity is a function of depth.
Evidently we can apply equation (7.6)
for each layer of thickness
and allow the velocity vary with
This is a well known approximation that handles the timing correctly
but keeps the amplitude constant (since
when in real life,
the amplitude should vary
because of reflection and transmission coefficients.
Suffice it to say that in practical earth imaging,
this approximation is almost universally satisfactory.
In a stratified earth,
it is customary to eliminate the angle
which is depth variable,
and change it to the Snell's parameter
which is constant for all depths.
Thus the downward continuation equation for any Snell's parameter is
(7) |
It is natural to wonder where in real life
we would encounter a Snell wave that we could downward continue
with equation (7.7).
The answer is that any wave from real life
can be regarded as a sum of waves propagating in all angles.
Thus a field data set should first be decomposed
into Snell waves of all values of
and then equation (7.7)
can be used to downward continue each
and finally the components for each
could be added.
This process akin to Fourier analysis.
We now turn to Fourier analysis as a method of downward continuation
which is the same idea but
the task of decomposing data into Snell waves
becomes the task of decomposing data into sinusoids along the
Next: Downward continuation with Fourier