 | Basic operators and adjoints |  |
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In describing physical processes,
we often either specify models as values given on a uniform mesh
or we record data on a uniform mesh.
Typically, we have
a function
of time
or depth
and we represent it by f(iz)
corresponding to
We sometimes need to handle depth as
an integer counting variable
and we sometimes need to handle it as
a floating-point variable
Conversion from the counting variable to the floating-point variable
is exact and is often seen in a computer idiom,
such as either of
for (iz=0; iz < nz; nz++) { z = z0 + iz * dz;
for (i3=0, i3 < n3; i3++) { x3 = o3 + i3 * d3;
The reverse conversion from the floating-point variable
to the counting variable is inexact.
The easiest thing is to place it at the nearest neighbor.
Solve for iz; add one half;
and round down to the nearest integer.
The familiar computer idioms are:
iz = 0.5 + ( z - z0) / dz;
i3 = 0.5 + (x3 - o3) / d3;
A small warning is in order:
People generally use positive counting variables.
If you also include negative ones,
then to get the nearest integer,
you should do your rounding with the C function round().
 | Basic operators and adjoints |  |
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Next: Data-push binning
Previous: Adjoints of products are