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Reverse-time migration

In this part of the assignment, we will create a depth image of the Viking Graben data using post-stack reverse-time migration (RTM).

  1. Change directory to hw6/rtm.
  2. Run
    scons -c
    to remove (clean) previously generated files.
  3. We start by reproducing the DMO processing workflow from Assignment 3 using the recipe from Radii Interceptor. A picked DMO (time-migration) velocity distribution is shown in Figure 7a. To reproduce it on your screen, run
    scons vdix.view
  4. The next step is converting the time-migration velocity to depth for creating an initial velocity model for depth migration. To display the Dix-converted velocity in time and depth (Figure 7), run
    scons vdix.view vofz.view
  5. The DMO stack (Figure 8a) can be used as the input to post-stack depth migration. We will use reverse-time migration by the lowrank approximation method (Fomel et al., 2013). The method employs several (in this case, three) spatial Fourier transforms per time step. To generate the result (Figure 8b), run
    scons rtm.view
    To watch a movie of reverse-time wave propagation which produced the image in Figure 8b, run
    scons snaps.vpl
  6. Your task: try to improve the quality of the image by
    1. using the results from your own time-domain imaging (Assignments 1-5);
    2. modifying the time-to-depth conversion step.

    Figure 6.
    Picked DMO (time-migration) velocity in the Viking Graben dataset.
    [pdf] [png] [scons]

    vdix vofz
    Figure 7.
    Interval velocity estimated by Dix inversion in vertical time (a) and depth (b).
    [pdf] [pdf] [png] [png] [scons]

    slice rtm
    Figure 8.
    DMO stack of the Viking Graben dataset (a) and its depth migration by RTM (b).
    [pdf] [pdf] [png] [png] [scons]

from rsf.proj import *

# Download pre-processed CMP gathers
# from the Viking Graben dataset

# Convert to RSF
Flow('paracdp tparacdp','paracdp.segy',
    'segyread tfile=${TARGETS[1]}')

# Convert to CDP gathers, time-power gain and high-pass filter
    '''intbin xk=cdpt yk=cdp | window max1=4 |
    pow pow1=2 | bandpass flo=5 |
    put label3=Midpoint unit3=km o3=1.619 d3=0.0125''')

# Extract offsets
Flow('offsets mask','tparacdp',
    '''headermath output=offset |
    intbin head=$SOURCE xk=cdpt yk=cdp mask=${TARGETS[1]} |
    dd type=float | scale dscale=0.001''')

# Window bad traces
    'mul $SOURCE | stack axis=1 | mask min=1e-20')
Flow('mask2','maskbad mask',
    'spray axis=1 n=1 | mul ${SOURCES[1]}')

# NMO stack with an ensemble of constant velocities
Flow('stacks','cmps offsets mask2',
    '''stacks half=n v0=1.4 nv=121 dv=0.02
    offset=${SOURCES[1]} mask=${SOURCES[2]}''',split=[3,'omp'])

# Taper midpoint
Flow('stackst','stacks','costaper nw3=100')

# Apply double Fourier transform (cosine transform)
Flow('cosft','stackst','pad n3=2401 | cosft sign1=1 sign3=1')
# Transpose f-v-k to v-f-k

# Fowler DMO: mapping velocities
    '''math output="x1/sqrt(1+0.25*x3*x3*x1*x1/(x2*x2))" |
    cut n2=1''')
Flow('fowler','transp map',
    'iwarp warp=${SOURCES[1]} | transp',split=[3,'omp'])

# Inverse Fourier transform
Flow('dmo','fowler','cosft sign1=-1 sign3=-1 | window n3=2142')

# Compute envelope for picking
Flow('envelope','dmo','envelope | scale axis=2',split=[3,'omp'])

# Improved Automatic Picking from Radii Interceptor
mute = Program('mute.c')
Flow('envmute','envelope %s'%(mute[0]),
     './${SOURCES[1]} t1=1.4 v1=3.2')
Flow('vpick','envmute','pick vel0=1.45 rect1=25 rect2=50')

       grey mean=y color=x scalebar=y title="DMO Velocity"
       barreverse=y barlabel=Velocity barunit=km/s

# Take a slice from mutting envelope
Flow('slice','dmo vpick','slice pick=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result('slice','grey title="DMO Stack"')

# Dix conversion to interval velocity

Flow('weight','envmute vpick','slice pick=${SOURCES[1]}')
Flow('vdix','vpick weight',
     'dix rect1=25 rect2=50 weight=${SOURCES[1]}')

       grey allpos=y bias=1.3 clip=3.2 
       color=x scalebar=y title="Dix Velocity in Time"
       barreverse=y barlabel=Velocity barunit=km/s

     time2depth velocity=$SOURCE intime=y nz=1001 z0=0 dz=0.005 | 
     put label1=Depth unit1=km

       grey allpos=y bias=1.3 clip=3.2 
       color=x scalebar=y title="Dix Velocity in Depth"
       barreverse=y barlabel=Velocity barunit=km/s

# Zero-offset reverse-time migration

Flow('fft','vofz','transp | fft1 | fft3 axis=2 pad=1')
Flow('right left','vofz fft',
     transp | scale dscale=0.5 |
     isolr2 seed=2016 dt=0.002 npk=50
     fft=${SOURCES[1]} left=${TARGETS[1]} 

Flow('rtm snaps','slice left right',
     spline n1=2000 o1=0 d1=0.002 |
     reverse which=1 |
     transp |
     fftexp0 mig=y snap=10 snaps=${TARGETS[1]}
     left=${SOURCES[1]} right=${SOURCES[2]}
     nz=1001 dz=0.005  

       window max1=3.125 | 
       grey title="Post-Stack Depth Migration" unit2=km

Plot('snaps','grey title=Snapshots gainpanel=all unit2=km',view=1)


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