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In addition to the authors of this paper, many people contributed to the development of MADAGASCAR. We would like to thank...

Appendix A

Basic facts about MADAGASCAR

The work on the MADAGASCAR package (previously named RSF for Regularly Sampled Format) started in 2003. The package got publicly released during an EAGE Workshop on open-source E&P Software in Vienna in June 2006. Since then, more than 25 people have contributed to its development, writing cummulatively almost 300,000 lines of code.

Ohloh, a website that maps the landscape of open-source software development, evaluates MADAGASCAR as

Several events helped promote MADAGASCAR in the geophysical and signal processing communities (Table 1.)

year location name
2006 Vancouver, Canada School and Workshop on Reproducible Research
    in Computational Geophysics
2007 Austin, TX Short Course on Using and Extending MADAGASCAR
2008 Golden, CO Implementation Workshop
2009 Delft, the Netherlands School on Reproducible Computational Geophysics
2010 Houston, TX School on Reproducible Computational Geophysics
    and Hands-On Workshop

Table A-1. MADAGASCAR annual events

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