from rsf.proj import *
t0 = 0.24
math n1=501 d1=0.004 output=1.5+x1-%g
label1=Time unit1=s | clip2 lower=1.5
''' % t0)
graph title="RMS Velocity" transp=y yreverse=y
label2=Velocity unit2=km/s wheretitle=b wherexlabel=t
noise rep=y seed=2016 | math output=input^3 |
cut max1=%g | ricker1 frequency=20
''' % t0)
Flow('cmp','trace vel',
spray axis=2 n=100 o=0.05 d=0.025 label=Offset unit=km |
inmo half=n velocity=${SOURCES[1]} | mutter half=n v0=1.5
Plot('cmp','grey title="Synthetic CMP Gather" ')
Result('cmp','vel cmp','SideBySideAniso')
math n1=501 d1=0.004 output=1.5+x1-%g
label1=Time unit1=s | clip2 lower=1.5
''' % (2*t0))
pad beg1=%d | window n1=501 |
scale dscale=-0.5
''' % int(t0/0.004))
Flow('mult1','trace1 vel1',
spray axis=2 n=100 o=0.05 d=0.025 label=Offset unit=km |
inmo half=n velocity=${SOURCES[1]} | mutter half=n v0=1.5
math n1=501 d1=0.004 output=1.5+x1-%g
label1=Time unit1=s | clip2 lower=1.5
''' % (3*t0))
pad beg1=%d | window n1=501 |
scale dscale=-0.5
''' % int(t0/0.004))
Flow('mult2','trace2 vel2',
spray axis=2 n=100 o=0.05 d=0.025 label=Offset unit=km |
inmo half=n velocity=${SOURCES[1]} | mutter half=n v0=1.5
Plot('vel2','vel vel1 vel2',
cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1:3]} |
graph title="RMS Velocity" transp=y yreverse=y dash=0,1,1
label2=Velocity unit2=km/s wheretitle=b wherexlabel=t
Flow('cmp2','cmp mult1 mult2','add ${SOURCES[1:3]}')
Plot('cmp2','grey title="CMP Gather with Multiples" ')
Result('cmp2','vel2 cmp2','SideBySideAniso')
'vscan half=n v0=1.5 nv=101 dv=0.02 semblance=y')
Plot('vscan','grey color=j allpos=y title="Semblance Scan" ')
Flow('nmo','cmp2 vel','nmo half=n velocity=${SOURCES[1]}')
Plot('nmo','grey title="NMO with Primary Velocity" ')
Result('nmo','vscan nmo','SideBySideAniso')
End() |