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Field data

We now consider a 2D field seismic gather shown in Figure 15. Its Fourier transform is shown in Figure 16. Due to the comparatively wide frequency bandwidth, $ N$ cannot be chosen too small (here the range of $ \Phi=f\sqrt{\tau^2+p^2h^2}$ is about 306). The input sampling sizes are $ N_t=1500$ , $ N_h=240$ , while the output sizes are chosen as $ N_{\tau }=1500$ , $ N_p=800$ . Although this small dataset is not very suitable for showcasing the fast algorithm, our method runs in 6.62 s for $ N=128$ , $ q_{k_1}=q_{x_1}=7$ , $ q_{k_2}=q_{x_2}=5$ (Figure 17), still outperforming the velocity scan which takes about 10 s (Figure 18). Note that the simplest interpolation is used in the velocity scan, any other higher order interpolation should take longer computation time.

Figure 15.
2D field CMP gather. $ N_t=1500$ , $ N_h=240$ . $ \Delta t=0.004$ s, $ \Delta h=0.0125$ km.
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Figure 16.
The Fourier transform (absolute value) on time axis of the field data in Figure 15.
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Figure 17.
$ N_{\tau }=1500$ , $ N_p=800$ . Output of the fast butterfly algorithm applied to the field data in Figure 15. $ N=128$ , $ q_{k_1}=q_{x_1}=7$ , $ q_{k_2}=q_{x_2}=5$ . CPU time: 6.62 s.
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Figure 18.
$ N_{\tau }=1500$ , $ N_p=800$ . Output of the velocity scan applied to the field data in Figure 15. CPU time: 9.91 s.
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