 | A parallel sweeping preconditioner for heterogeneous 3D Helmholtz equations |  |
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A parallelization of the moving PML sweeping preconditioner has been
presented which has allowed us to efficiently solve 3D Helmholtz equations in
parallel with essentially
iterations, with
the only observed frequency-dependence arising from a moderate growth in the
PML size with increasing frequency. This size of the PML,
was explained to result in a linear growth in the memory requirements of the
preconditioner and a quadratic growth in the setup cost. Results were then
presented for a variety of models, one of which had a velocity field which
varied by ten orders of magnitude, and convergence was shown to be essentially
independent of frequency for the challenging Overthrust model.
Also, despite the requirement that each panel must be solved against one at a
time when applying the preconditioner, a custom approach was introduced and
implemented which eliminates most of the communication associated with
performing traditional black-box sparse-direct factorizations and solves
over each subdomain. These implementations are now released as part of the
open-source packages Clique and Parallel Sweeping Preconditioner (PSP). There
are at least five important directions for future work:
- developing a heuristic for tailoring the PML profile to the
velocity field,
- extending the preconditioner to more general discretizations and time-harmonic wave equations,
- finding a fast preconditioner for problems with large cavities
(perhaps through more general local auxiliary problems),
- testing the performance improvements resulting from simultaneously
factoring the subdomain problems and then redistributing the
frontal trees, as well as a
approach to solving many
right-hand sides, and
- carefully studying the spectrum of the preconditioned operator for
various classes of velocity models.
 | A parallel sweeping preconditioner for heterogeneous 3D Helmholtz equations |  |
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